Spiritual Sojourn in Bhutan

Kuzuzangpola! Warm Greetings from the Kingdom of Bhutan!

Saints, scholars and spirited travellers to Bhutan all agree that this last Vajrayana Buddhist country is like ‘a giant dialysis machine where one can avail free treatment, purification and spiritual awakening’.

Holidays Bhutan is privileged to host an exclusive Spiritual Sojourn in Bhutan for our discerning guests. This private journey guides our guests into the spiritual heartland of Bhutan, sharing insights into the interconnectedness between human and nature. As the exploration deepens, we appreciate and internalize how the universality of Buddhist wisdom and values inform and inspire the kingdom’s wise leadership and the overarching vision of Gross National Happiness to restore balance and order in the fragile existence between human and the home planet.

We look forward to giving our best and the best of Bhutan.


Admire the towering peaks of the Eastern Himalayas, the mightiest geographical feature on Earth. Check into the riverfront hotel and join the welcome tea and tour briefing.

Visit the historic Ta Dzong (watch tower) and Rinpung Dzong, the fortress on a heap of jewels.

Meals included: Lunch, Dinner
Accommodation: Hotel in Paro

Take domestic flight from Paro international airport to Bumthang, the spiritual heartland of Bhutan (35 minutes of average flight time). Refresh and relax at the beautiful Peling Resort (tentative) across the airstrip.

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Accommodation: Hotel in Bumthang

Bumthang literally means the Valley of Golden Vase. Visit the valley’s three landmark Buddhist temples dating from 8th to 16th-century. The annual Jampa Temple consecration festival in autumn features unique dances introduced by Treasure Revealer Dorji Lingpa in the 14 th century. Please check the festival dates and book your trip to catch the festival.

Take a short walk from Jampa Temple to the 8th-century Kuje Temple (ku: body, je: imprint). The temple was named after Padmasambhava left his body imprint in the retreat cave, which is enshrined in the temple.

Take a walk across the footbridge over Chamkhar river and visit the 16th-century Tamzhing Temple. Learn about the native treasure discoverer Terton Pema Lingpa (1450-1521) and his spiritual legacies across the Himalayas.

Pema Lingpa’s visionary dances are performed to this day at the annual Tamzhing Phala Choepa Festival in autumn. Please check the festival dates to catch the Drum Dance of Drametse recognized as UNESCO intangible cultural heritage.

Visit ‘Tang Mebar Tsho’ popularly known as the ‘Burning Lake’, where Pema Lingpa revealed his first treasure artifacts. Listen to the story of the legendary treasure revelation and how the pool-lake earned its reputation.

Locals believe that if a pilgrim could visit the three temples and the legendary Burning Lake on foot in one day, it would cleanse the person’s luedrip (lue: body, drip: negativity) or the sins accumulated by the body.

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Accommodation: Hotel in Bumthang

Drive up to Tharpaling Monastery situated at 3,600masl overlooking Chumey valley (37 km / approximately 1 hr. 20 min drive from Chamkhar Town to Tharpaling).

Longchenpa established eight spiritual power places spanning from eastern to western Bhutan. Make a short hike to the retreat cave and stone throne on a hilltop where the Scholar-saint meditated and composed the teachings of the Seven Treasuries and taught his disciples in the 14 th century. Oral sources say the site was named Tharpaling (tharpa: attain liberation, ling: region) after a hundred celibate monks attained enlightenment at the site.

Picnic lunch at Tharpaling.

Enjoy the scenic drive across the two highest mountain-passes in Bhutan, Yotungla (3,420 masl) and Pelela (3,300masl) into Phobjikha valley, the winter roosting ground of the Black-necked Crane, affectionately known as Bird of Heaven.

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Accommodation: Hotel in Phobjikha

Explore Phobjikha valley by taking the nature walk around the roosting ground of the Cranes. One can sight the heavenly migratory birds in the winter months from November end to April. OR attend the Black-necked Crane Festival on 11 November in the courtyard of the Gangtey Temple. Our guests can attend the festival to express solidarity.

Enjoy the mountain drive through natural parks and reserves – approximately 2 hrs. 20 minutes covering 78.7 kms – from temperate Phobjikha (3,000 masl) to tropical Punakha valley (1,500 masl).

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Accommodation: Hotel in Punakha

In the morning, hike to Khamsum Yullay Namgyal Stupa (built in 2004) perched on a hillock and overlooking the sweeping view of the Punakha valley, Bhutan’s largest rice bowl. The four-storied stupa was built for world peace and houses shrines of the sacred mandala deities of Vajrakilaya.

In the afternoon, visit the 400-year-old Pungthang Dechen Phodrang, the palace of great bliss and learn about Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel (1594-1651), the founding father of Bhutan. The castle fortress is an epitome of Bhutanese architecture housing national relics and finest Buddhist frescos including the popular 12 episodes of the life of Shakyamuni Buddha inside the grand assembly hall.

Every spring, the fortress hosts the 3-day Dromchoe festival, where resident monks perform sacred masked dances. It is the first festival to usher in the Traditional New Year on the Bhutanese traditional calendar. Please check the festival dates to catch the festival in the courtyard of the historic fortress.

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Accommodation: Hotel in Punakha

Enjoy a short walk to the popular Temple of Fertility in Punakha. Learn about the beloved saint Drukpa Kunley (1455-1529), whose songs and stories of spiritual realization continue to influence and shape the Bhutanese socio-cultural life.

Please have an open mind as you take the walk of fame to the temple through the village proudly exhibiting their phallic house paintings, souvenir arts and crafts.

A buffet lunch will be served at a restaurant in the locality surrounded by rice fields and farmers at work during harvest in autumn.

Stopover at the Dochula Pass for tea/coffee and enjoy the spectacular view of the pan-Himalayas from the 3,100-mt mountain pass.

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Accommodation: Hotel in Thimphu

The day starts with a rejuvenating morning yoga/healing meditation session in the open courtyard of the Buddha Dordhen Statue (169 ft. one of the largest Buddha statues in the world) at Kuensel Phodrang, Thimphu.

Join the locals in their daily circumambulation / Kora of the city’s landmark Memorial Stupa, which was built in 1974 in memory of the late third King of Bhutan Jigme Dorji Wangchuck.

Drive to Paro for lunch and leisure stroll and shopping through the streets of Paro town.

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Accommodation: Hotel in Paro

Morning round hike to the spectacular Taktshang, literally called the Tiger’s Nest, takes between 2-4 hours depending on the walking pace. The first temple complex was built in 1692, which was blessed by Padmasambhava as a power- place and treasure trove in the 8th century. The magical site has attracted some of the legendary Buddhist saints (Langchen Pelge Senge, Jetsun Mila Repa, Padampa Sangye among others) and treasure discoverers (Dorji Lingpa, Pema Lingpa, Thangtong Gyalpo, Dilgo Khyentse and Chogyam Trungpa) who attained spiritual realizations and revealed treasure teachings from the site.

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Accommodation: Hotel in Paro

This morning/afternoon we see you off at the airport to catch your flight to Bangkok or other gateway cities to connect with your international flight to next destination.